"Wellness is a connection of paths: Knowledge and Action."— Josh Welch


K. McNicholas

I would like to thank you and all your WONDERFUL team for the great care, consideration, and affection you gave me during my stay with you. It was most certainly an enormous turning point in the way I felt about myself and my approach to this current affliction and I have thought about you all a great deal ever since. Hopefully I shall be able to continue in this more confident way during the next stages. We went up to London to see the surgeon the day after our return and he was very positive. Do you think our sojourn in the Sweat Lodge might have had something to do with all that? My heartfelt thanks again. Much love and God bless.

S. Baker

I had my left breast removed in March of 2006 after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Before Next Step®, I was unhappy and felt as if I had nothing to look forward to, but it was such a beautiful place with such amazing, caring people. Previous doctors told me I only have 5 years to live, but now I believe I’m going to be here to watch my children have children and to be a grandma.

M. Therrien

Before Next Step®, my life was absolutely upside down, and I was using pain medication, food and alcohol to control it. Then I went through the most amazing transformation. At Next Step®, they taught me how to live emotionally, spiritually and physically, and I was able to get off the alcohol, food and pain medication. They diagnosed me with bipolar disorder, stabilized me, and taught me so much about myself. I got into the Native American way of life and found a spiritual god that was so loving and caring. It was a wonderful journey and I’m not the angry person I used to be. I believe that the doctors and Next Step® program saved my life.

F. Cox

In 1987, I had a head injury. I lost my nose, had some brain damage, and I had severe headaches every day, all day, and double vision, which made reading virtually impossible. I would lie on the couch all day in constant pain watching TV, living like a hermit. When I learned about Next Step®, I didn’t believe anything they were saying at first, but eventually I started listening and they showed me things I never would have thought I was capable of doing. I now enjoy my grandkids, my kids and my wife again. I now believe that there is a higher power and I can live my life the way I want. Pain and disabilities don’t get in the way anymore.

N. Snyder

It was the most profound experience I’ve ever had. It’s been more productive for me than any treatment or any doctor I’ve seen in the past. The program helped me realize how little I knew about myself, and taught me how to live the life I want to live. There is so much more to the healing process than most programs and doctors will tell you, things that were only introduced to me through Next Step®. If you are in a situation where you are seeking therapy and a chance to heal, you absolutely have to go.

L. Licker

My life before Next Step® was bad. I was quite sick and depressed. My world was getting smaller. But at Next Step®, I learned that when you take care of your mind, body and spirit, your health starts to follow. When I got home, people noticed a drastic change in me. They said my voice sounded different and I had a glow about me. Next Step® is an investment in your life. Any of us that have gone through the program can tell you it works. I’ve never felt this good, even before I got sick.

D. Kelly

I experienced major depression for 37 years. I was in and out of hospitals, I went through shock therapy, and nothing seemed to be working. Next Step® introduced me to a group that gave me unconditional support both psychologically and physically. I met others who were experiencing the same things I was and the support was phenomenal—nothing like any other support groups I had been to in the past. The staff is so dedicated and they are there for you 24 hours a day. If one treatment doesn’t work, they will try something else. It was the best therapy I’ve ever experienced.